Wednesday 15 June 2016

Network Marketing Quotes Bill Gates – Listen to the Rich Man on MLM

The Bill Gates Network Marketing Quote Will Blow You Away!

Network Marketing Quotes Bill Gates

There have been a number of quotes floating around the Internet stating that Bill Gates fully supports network marketing and that if you had to do it all over again he would choose A multilevel marketing company to work for or to start. The reality of this is, Bill Gates most likely did not speak that because when you look into the matter it is nowhere to be found in an audio or video format. Does this negate the viability of network marketing? No.

However, the following video includes Bill Gates perspective on tenacity and business which is relevant to network marketers.
Network Marketing is For the Non-Bill Gates of the World

What in the world does this mean? Network marketing is a great opportunity for people who do not have the resources (financial or intellectual) to develop their own business, products, or services. The majority of people simply do not grasp how difficult it is to take a business idea from conception to execution. This is the reason why network marketing is a great option for people who can follow systems. Network marketing simply isn’t going to easy. Those who have achieved significant results with the network marketing industry have often stated that it has been one of the most difficult things they have done. But, when you look at their paychecks and their quality-of-life to see individuals who are earning hundreds to millions of dollars per month. If it were easy then Boy Scouts would do it, right?
Network Marketing is About Sales and Relationships

There are literally hundreds of network marketing business opportunities that you can get involved with. There is a full spectrum of business compensation plans and products and services out there to promote. The biggest challenge is not getting involved in network marketing, instead it is choosing a company that has a viable product or service that will be around for many years to come. The last thing I don’t do is invest a lot of time and energy building your downline to find that the company is going out of business. There are also ethical considerations when choosing a network marketing company and you want to be careful because your reputation becomes associated that of the company and there are many companies that have bad reputations to have lingered for decades. One of the companies recommend you look into is Kyani – this company has been around for nearly a decade and have a solid track record with steady growth and no hype high-quality product line.
Get Real Facts to Support Your Business Opportunity

Internet is full of success quotes by supposed gurus or business entrepreneurs about reasons to join network marketing or to promote a multilevel marketing product or service. These clothes are an attempt to justify or make up for a week business model, product line, or service. If you are working with a high-quality business, like Kyani, the network marketing company we shared above, then you’re not going to need that extra hype about so-and-so’s reason to get involved with A multilevel marketing company. The product when it is a high-quality product will sell itself because it will create results that interest customers and prospects. Without a product that can sell itself you don’t have a business. The same goes for a service oriented business. That is the first and foremost concern about any network marketing company – can the product or service stand alone? The next question is how scalable is the business model and does its compensation plan makes sense? Once you answer these two questions you are on your way to identifying the best company for you.


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