Wednesday 15 June 2016

Network Marketing From A to Z

I’ve always said that it’s very easy to procrastinate. Wouldn’t you agree?

In fact, it’s so easy to not do things that it’s amazing we get anything done at all sometimes! But, somehow we do. Whether it’s because we fear the inevitable disappointment or we’re committed to our goals, we need to brush procrastination aside whenever it rears its ugly head. Of course, you know that building your network marketing business can and will give you a great reward someday. All we have to do is have the patience to channel our creativity into making it happen every single day.

To help you quit the nasty habit of making excuses and falling into the procrastination trap, I have some good news for you today. Below you will find my A to Z list of helpful tips to keep you on track and moving forward in that positive direction, always bringing you closer to your goals, and giving you the freedom that can only come from a successful and thriving network marketing business online.

Take some time to read through these tips when you find yourself slipping into those bad habits, and be sure to watch the video I’ve included here as well so that you can discover which of these tips will be the next strategy to heat up your motivation and open those action-taking floodgates in order to help you build your success online.
A – ACTION Begins with You: On a movie set, the director will shout the word “ACTION!” Without it, there’s no indication to the actors and other essential personnel to get busy and do their respective jobs. You can use this same principle to get yourself fired up, focused, and compelled to do the tasks you’ve set out before you which will take you to the next level. Things like making contacts through your social networks, and inside of niche-related online forums for instance.

B – BELIEF in Yourself: That little voice inside your head sometimes wants you to second guess yourself and move in another direction. Sometimes, it even wants you to stop trying and give up altogether. Go ahead and just tell it to shut up. Instead, you need to focus on the value you offer to your followers and prospects because if you believe in yourself, the world will too (and some of them will even want to join your MLM business too).

C – CREATIVITY is Practically Limitless: When you expand and grow your creativity, giving your target audience something they haven’t seen before, it can turn into something that’s truly remarkable. Every day, I want you to challenge yourself to make a difference in someone’s life and business, and this will add a much needed spark to your usual routine. Reach out and connect with someone and watch where it goes from there.

D – DISTRACTIONS will Kill Your MLM Business: That nasty guy called temptation is all around you. Sure, it can be fun, and sometimes necessary to check email, play games, or chat with friends when you really should be hard at work building your business, but non of that gets the job done. Concentrate on finishing every project that you start while eliminating that temptation at the same time.

E – EXERCISE on a Daily Basis: I’m talking here about exercising your brain and your will to succeed in your business. You can do this by coming up with your own “mental workouts” to help sharpen your skills and forming daily routines to follow which are focused on getting results. You don’t ever want to lose your edge, so create that routine to stay on top of what’s working and forgetting about what’s not.

F – FEAR doesn’t Exist: F. D. Roosevelt said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Now, if you start to listen to your own fears and fail to execute decisions that will move your business forward, then you may find that you lose those opportunities altogether. Come on and let your fears go the way of the dodo bird.
G – GOALS Lead to Success: You must always be creating (and writing down) your business goals. Just as crucial, tracking those goals give you a clear indication of how far you’ve come, the distance to your next big achievement or milestone, and also help you stay on course. It takes practice to self-motivate and make new goals and complete one after the other. This is how you make your business grow in leaps and bounds.

H – HONESTY Always Wins Out: Your prospects and followers want to know YOU and who you REALLY are. If you always paint an authentic picture of yourself based entirely on honesty, your target audience will learn to trust you as a credible source for solving their problems. Be careful never to try and intimidate or go over their heads with jargon and buzz words; instead, try to build upon the connections you make each day, always over-deliver on your promises, and stay true to your word.

I – INFLUENCE Other People: Communication is only a small part of your network marketing or MLM business. It’s also about engagement and influence. You need to ensure that your messages are always clear and concise, so your influence impacts to a broader audience.

J – JOURNALING to Help you Innovate: The simple task of journaling; writing things down as you see them happen or as you experience them, can really help you generate new and exciting ideas, enhance your skill set, and create a very cool personal archive for materials you can use later in your blog posts, sales letters, free reports or any other tools you use to grow your business. So get started journaling right away by always carrying a small notebook with you wherever you go.

K – KNOW Your Target Audience: The data is all around you, and it;s easier than ever to use it in your business; it allows you to track backlink clicks, YouTube video views, online purchases, and other trending things so you can stay on ahead of where your target audience is doing business regularly. Further to that, you need to be constantly testing and try to research what information your audience is searching for, ask questions, and solve problems.

L – LEARN to LAUGH More: Have some fun with it already! You don’t always have to be super serious in your business; don’t be afraid to tickle someone’s funny bone and lighten the mood in your blog posts, email messages or any other form of interaction with your prospects and team members! Laughter is the absolute BEST medicine and can be used to show your audience another side of you that perhaps they didn’t even know existed.

network marketing
M – MASTER Your Domain: Work hard every day, and master the tools necessary to become an expert in your field. By taking massive action, setting goals, and learning about your target audience, your focus will be stronger than it ever was before, and you’ll start to achieve the success you want.

N – NETWORK and Build Your Connections: If you haven’t already, you must be sure to join relevant social groups and forums, create events like webinars, and don’t just talk all the time, but be sure to listen as well. Being a good listener to the folks who are counting on you for the solutions to their problems will help you keep a on top of your niche and show you where you can innovate in order to create even more value for them.

O – ORGANIZE Your Business: An organized business id a successful business. When you take the time to develop a clear set of tasks to complete each day, whether it’s writing a blog, shooting a video or writing an email to your list, you are freeing up valuable time to get more tasks done in the same amount of time.

P – PERFECT Your PROFILE: Your business profile is what showcases your skills and experience, your blog, and social media to your target audience. This is the perfect way to increase both your transparency and credibility, which your audience will truly appreciate. Don’t be phoney, be REAL.

Q – QUALITY Always Trumps Quantity: The quality of your work, be it your blog posts, your emails or even your social media posts, is the standard on which your target audience and potential MLM partners will judge you. Don’t cheapen your niche or disappoint  your followers by doing any of your communication in a half-ass way. Remember that your content is going to be online for a long time, and quality content that stands out from the crowd will continue to impress readers and would-be network marketers for many years to come.

R – READ All the Time: The legendary writer Stephen King once said, “If you don’t have time to read, you don’t have time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that.” Find the time to read something motivational or inspirational every day, and then create content for your audience that features a unique spin on the information you’ve just read about.

S – STRESS Reduction Works Wonders: If you follow what doctors have been telling us for years now, you know that stress can lead to sickness, decrease the quality of your work, and also causes procrastination. Managing your stress level by identifying the signs before they get too serious will create an environment that is much easier to be productive within.

T – TIME Must be Managed: Time management is difficult to say the least. Especially if you are a die-hard procrastinator! You need to be realistic with your time, inform loved ones of your work-at-home schedule, avoid distractions, create your own rules for more effective time management, and above all else you MUST take your business seriously.
U – UNDERSTAND Your Role: Do you consider yourself a professional network marketer? If you do, you must be an informative leader who provides valuable, quality content that benefits all those who come into contact with it. Casual MLM’ers will never succeed in an online business (sorry!). You must take a closer look at the value you’re offering to people and adjust it accordingly to fulfill your role as a leader who people WANT to follow.

V – VICTORIES Can Be Big and Small: The smallest victories are an awesome way to start to take charge of your life and lend a positive sense of direction to your online business. Remember baby steps, start small, focus on the path to goal completion and only celebrate when it’s time to do so.

W – WISDOM Must be Shared: Certainly you realize that knowledge is important, but your followers and target audiences often seek WISDOM over simple knowledge. Sharing your wisdom gives you the ability to help your team members see past your basic message you’re sharing in order to plan for their own future and provide perspective for the success of their online business.

X – X Factor (the): It’s very common to experience self-doubt, lack of enthusiasm and even all out depression when you’re trying to build an online business. This, sometimes can lead towards a desperate search for that new, fresh idea – the “X factor.” You need to realize that YOU are the X factor. Dig into your life experiences, your unique past, and vivid memories to enhance your content (and your business overall) with unique and original ideas.

Y – YESTERDAY is in the Past: Yesterday you didn’t do all that you could have done to build your success online. So what? Take it like an adult, learn from those mistakes, and focus on today. You know that every day there are new opportunities that you can and will capitalize on in order to take your MLM business to the next level of success.

Z – ZZZ… Get Some Sleep: No matter what type of business you’re building, a good night’s sleep keeps your mind and your body healthy, while refreshing your clarity so you can easily pick up the pace when you’re ready to take action once again. Always pay close attention to how your body’s communicating with you, it may be telling you that it needs a break!
The Bottom Line?

The real secret to starting and running a successful Network Marketing business online is to know what you want, understand what you need to do in order to get it, and take positive action every day until you make it happen.

I’ve given you 26 real, actionable tips here that you can take and run with. Some will help you to work more efficiently, some will help you to reach more people, and, in turn create a business more quickly.

Remember that you don’t have to do ALL of these things ALL of the time, but you must try to do SOME of them MOST of the time!

When you stay focused on your goals, and you don’t allow yourself to procrastinate, your work will become more enjoyable, your business will start to look like a real business, and best of all, your success will start to happen.

What are some of your own unique secrets to staying motivated? Let me know in the comments section below!


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